The Gaspards of Pine Croft

A Romance of the Windermere

Ralph Connor

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Beschreibung zu „The Gaspards of Pine Croft“

The Gaspards of Pine Croft is a novel by Ralph Connor. Connor was a Canadian novelist and church leader, depicting here the story of a young boy who lives his life by the Bible and is thrown on a set of adventures. Excerpt: "Young Paul Gaspard was eager to be gone for a run up the mountain at the back of the bungalow. Had he known how very nearly the eager light in his grey eyes and the eager emotion quivering in his angel-like face—for so his foolish mother saw it—was to breaking down the resolution that was hardening his mother's voice, he would have turned the full batteries of eyes and face upon her and won."


Good Press




ca. 293





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