My .75: Reminiscences of a Gunner of a .75m/ m Battery in 1914

Paul Lintier

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Beschreibung zu „My .75: Reminiscences of a Gunner of a .75m/ m Battery in 1914“

This work presents the personal narrative of a French writer and volunteer during the First World War. Paul Lintier followed a straightforward, concise manner, devoid of any fancy literary style, with intriguing descriptions of the incidents. The commendable patience, the great spirit, the intelligence and fearless devotion with the plain, simple bravery, and all qualities of the French Race are found in this book.

Excerpt from the book

"Blood, money, and more and more blood! And then we have so often heard people say: "Now there'll be war," and nevertheless we remained at peace. And it will be so this time. Europe is not going to become a shambles because an Austrian Archduke happens to have been murdered."


Good Press




ca. 183





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