The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing

Oliver Markus Malloy

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Beschreibung zu „The Ugly Truth About Self-Publishing“

Dear Indie Author, Forget everything you think you know about writing and self-publishing. Chances are it's complete bullshit. Nowadays there are literally hundreds of thousands of people who dream of being a professional writer. And thanks to self-publishing and print-on-demand, there's nothing stopping you or anyone else from publishing whatever you want. Even if it's complete crap. The result? Every year, millions of shitty books get self-published. Books that should have never been published in the first place, because they are so bad, nobody wants to read them. While you're reading this little book, one of two things is likely gonna happen: Either you totally hate this book, because you feel what I'm saying is stepping on your toes and you may feel personally attacked. Or you wholeheartedly agree with this book, because you're one of the few good indie authors who actually have talent. But even if you hate every word I say, you probably should take the time to read this book anyway, because you'll learn a few very important things. I promise to keep it short. Oliver






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