One Heart Is All I Have. Part 1

Nataliya Lang

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Beschreibung zu „One Heart Is All I Have. Part 1“

The GDR no longer exists, but people continue to live ruined lives.
The same is true for Eduard, a former political prisoner who, more than thirty years after the reunification of Germany, cannot free himself from the horrors of life in the GDR. His journey has included failed love, being stalked by the Stasi, imprisonment, and a dysfunctional family life. When he meets a novice writer at an airport, he suggests to her that his life could be a good subject for her new book. Anna is interested in working with him, but she also has plenty of doubts, since this man clearly has an aversion to women. What is more, Eduard imposes his own terms…

Über Nataliya Lang

Северный Кавказ, Крым, Заполярье, Литва, Украина - вехи детства. В 2003 году уехала в Германию, где и нашла свое счастье.

Диплом магистра технического университета Украины НТУУ "КПИ", второе образование преподавателя немецкого языка для иностранцев в Университете земли Саар.
Работа, связанная с развитием рынков сбыта в разных странах мира, насыщенная событиями, впечатлениями и встречами с интересными людьми, откуда она и черпает свое вдохновение.






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