Little Countess

Max du Veuzit

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Beschreibung zu „Little Countess“

On the brink of ruin, Mrs Armons urged her son Philippe to marry a rich heiress, Myette Darteuil, who had been living with her mother-in-law since the death of her parents. She leads a miserable existence there that has profoundly altered her health and moral faculties. Kidnapped at night thanks to her guardian, she was soon married to Philippe who did not have the courage to live with her and left for abroad.

As for Myette, abandoned and humiliated, she travels to Switzerland with Martine, Philippe's old nurse.

In a few months, it is the complete metamorphosis of the woman her husband considers a stranger. Theatre, balls, social gatherings, trips to Italy, Morocco, Tunisia where one of his admirers, Robert Montavel and his grandmother, accompany him.

Three years passed without the spouses meeting again, until the day the death of Mrs Armons brought them together. And in the splendid young woman that Myette has become, Philippe does not recognize... his wife! When he learns the truth....


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