Chatelaine, one day ...

Max du Veuzit

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Beschreibung zu „Chatelaine, one day ...“

Become a Chatelaine... The craziest dream!

When the pretty Colette, a simple office employee, one day learns that she has inherited from a distant relative of the magnificent castle of Grandlieu, in Normandy, she cannot help but whisper: "Here I am chestnut!"

All roses, alas, have thorns... The chateau has a co-heir, François. She discovered it when she discovered the castle. François is young, quite handsome, but a little worrying... so enterprising that Colette takes refuge in an inn to think about it in peace. This magnificent castle, it will probably have to be sold?

A potential buyer, Pierre Chantenay, also went down to the inn where Colette is staying. He talks to her, the confusion.... His revelations worry the recent chateau.

She suspects a plot....


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