Abiding in the Father´s Love

The Glorious Freedom of Sons and Daughters

Martin Reèn

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Beschreibung zu „Abiding in the Father´s Love“

We were created to live loved by the Father. This is much more than just a one time encounter. Our Father wants us to abide in His love. It is possible to make abiding in His love our lifestyle and Jesus wants to reveal the love of God to us. He wants to take us on a journey into the heart of the Father. On this journey two important things will be revealed to us. First, we find out who God really is, that He is our loving Father. Secondly, we will realize that we are His beloved children. We find our identity by knowing His heart. This revelation has impacted me beyond what words could ever express. It has healed my heart and led me into a life of rest and freedom. God has given me a new identity and I have found my home by abiding in His love.

In this book, I want to share with you some of the insights and revelations that has strengthened and encouraged me throughout my journey of knowing the Father. It will inspire and encourage you in getting to know God as your Father, as well as helping you to be established in your true identity as His beloved child.


Healing Streams




ca. 198





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