Prehistoric Structures of Central America: Who Erected Them?

Martin I. Townsend

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Beschreibung zu „Prehistoric Structures of Central America: Who Erected Them?“

The historical novel "Prehistoric Structures of Central America: Who Erected Them?" seeks to answer a question that has long fascinated many. "It was not a long period after 1492, when the great Italian navigator with his Spanish crew made their first discoveries upon the central portion of America, that the Europeans, who had followed the footsteps of Christopher Columbus, began to fall in with structures of great magnitude and architectural beauty scattered widely throughout Mexico, Guatemala and Yucatan, &c.; and when the conquest of Peru was achieved, artificial highways and water courses were found there, such as could have owed their existence to no people but one with advanced knowledge of science as well as of the arts of civilized life. No people existed then upon this continent capable of doing the work which so astonished the world. Thinking men and dreaming men have, from the earliest of these discoveries, been busying themselves to find out when, and by what people, these early monuments to human efforts were constructed. The author seeks to show the history of these structures which long pre-dated the Christian era.


Good Press




ca. 24





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