Tragedies That Made Her Strong.

Lixz Danyelle

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Beschreibung zu „Tragedies That Made Her Strong.“

About the book:
A young girl watches tragedy after tragedy happen from a very young age,. She learns that not everything is meant to be bad, but a learning experience. Not knowing that she had a supernatural power she uses it to go back and put a top to the main factor in her families death, while in which putting her own life in danger, and ruining her relationship at the same time . Going from her mothers death to her aunts, she loses everything in a very short amount of time. Losing love and going through pain and heartache. and regrets that she lost herself.
About the author:
I am 18, My name is Elizabeth Danyelle Williams, I started this as a short story project for my high school English teacher. It was a small story that dealt with grief and suicide, dealing with a loved one. When I turned my paper in I felt that my story wasn't complete, that it was missing a big piece of the story, so after I got the paper back and made some edits, I continued my story and finally after a year and a half I finally finished and I couldn't be more happy with it. I wrote this with passion and for my father, who passed before he could read it at its fullest.






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