Famous Prima Donnas

Lewis Clinton Strang

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Beschreibung zu „Famous Prima Donnas“

Lewis Clinton Strang's 'Famous Prima Donnas' is a meticulous study of some of the most influential female opera singers in the history of music. The book delves into the lives and careers of these talented women, exploring their rise to fame, personal struggles, and lasting impact on the opera world. Strang's writing style is both informative and engaging, providing readers with a wealth of knowledge about each prima donna while also capturing the essence of the operatic performances that made them famous. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in opera history and the lives of these iconic singers. Lewis Clinton Strang, a respected music historian and critic, brings his expertise to 'Famous Prima Donnas' with a deep understanding and appreciation for the art of opera. His dedication to preserving the legacies of these remarkable women is evident throughout the book, making it a valuable resource for scholars and opera enthusiasts alike. Strang's passion for music shines through in his writing, making this book a captivating read from start to finish. I highly recommend 'Famous Prima Donnas' to readers who are passionate about opera, music history, or biographies of inspirational women. Strang's comprehensive research and insightful commentary make this book an essential addition to any music lover's library.


Good Press




ca. 126





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