The Girl and Her Fortune

L. T. Meade

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Beschreibung zu „The Girl and Her Fortune“

'The Girl and Her Fortune' is a romance novel revolving around two women: Brenda and Florence. They had both finished their school life. No pains had been spared to render them up to date in every particular. Both had gone through the usual curriculum of a girl's education. Brenda was a little cleverer than Florence and had perhaps dived deeper into the heart of things, but Florence was the prettier of the two. Now the last day of school was over. The last goodbyes had been said. The last teacher had whispered words of affection in Brenda's ear, and the last and most loved school-fellow had kissed Florence on her pretty cheek and had hoped in that vague way which meant nothing at all that they should meet again. School belonged to the past. They had the world before them. Florence was eighteen years of age, Brenda nineteen. To all intents and purposes they were children. Nevertheless, they regarded themselves as full-fledged women.


Good Press




ca. 155





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