THE GREAT TRAVELS & TRAVELLERS - The Incredible True Tales of Celebrated Navigators and Their Journeys (Illustrated)

The Exploration of the World - Complete Series: Discover the World through the Eyes of the Greatest Explorers in History

Jules Verne

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This carefully crafted ebook: "THE GREAT TRAVELS & TRAVELLERS - The Incredible True Tales of Celebrated Navigators and Their Journeys (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
This 3 Volume series takes the readers on an unforgettable journey from 505 BCE till 19th Century recounting extraordinary tales of exploration and navigators. Verne's knowledge is truly remarkable and vast which he has also used in his great science fiction classics and adventure stories and thus, showing the depth of his literary prowess.
Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who pioneered the genre of science fiction.A true visionary with an extraordinary talent for writing adventure stories, his writings incorporated the latest scientific knowledge of his day and envisioned technological developments that were years ahead of their time.

Über Jules Verne

JULES VERNE (1828–1905) wuchs in einer gutgestellten Rechtsanwaltsfamilie in der französischen Stadt Nantes auf, er war das erste von fünf Kindern. Sein Vater strebte für ihn eine Juristenkarriere an, doch schon der junge Jules fühlte sich unwiderstehlich zu zwei Leidenschaften hingezogen: dem Schreiben und dem wissenschaftlichen Erforschen von Zusammenhängen. Nach vielen schriftstellerischen Experimenten gelang ihm im Alter von 35 Jahren der geniale Coup, der seinen Weltruhm begründete: Er »erfand« ein völlig neues Genre der Literatur, den technik-basierten Abenteuerroman.






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