Keziah Coffin

Joseph Crosby Lincoln

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Beschreibung zu „Keziah Coffin“

Keziah Coffin by Joseph Crosby Lincoln is a story set in Cape Cod with simple yet light writing. Lincoln writes about the life of Mrs. Keziah Coffin and her life as a seamstress in a sleepy town by the sea. Excerpt: "She was on her knees, her calico dress sleeves, patched and darned, but clean, rolled back, uncovering a pair of plump, strong arms, a saucer of tacks before her, and a tack hammer with a claw head in her hand. She was taking up the carpet. Grace Van Horne, Captain Eben Hammond's ward, who had called to see if there was anything she might do to help, was removing towels, tablecloths, and the like from the drawers in a tall "high-boy," folding them and placing them in an old and battered trunk."


Good Press




ca. 300





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