On the Border with Andrew Jackson

John T. McIntyre

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Beschreibung zu „On the Border with Andrew Jackson“

"The march of the white man is the march of an evil spirit; the red man must stop this march or his day is done; he must stop it or he will find his grave on the great plains, in the shadow of those mountains beyond which lies another sea."
This book is the story of how General Andrew Jackson, who became President of the USA in 1828, led the defeat of the massed Red Indian tribes. It begins with three boys, two white and one native American, who happen upon the beginnings of the massing together of different Indian tribes in order to defeat the invading white men who were destroying their hunting lands and way of life. John T McIntyre was born in Philadelphia. He began to write when he was about twenty. His first book for boys, "Fighting King George," was published in 1905.


Good Press




ca. 85





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