Makers and Romance of Alabama History

B. F. Riley

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Beschreibung zu „Makers and Romance of Alabama History“

'Makers and Romance of Alabama History' by B.F. Riley is a deep-dive about the people and events that shaped Alabama. Riley delves into the lives of the state's most prominent citizens, highlighting their accomplishments in various fields, including commerce, law, and religion. Through his unique method of storytelling, Riley brings to life the salient points of each leader's life, providing a glimpse into the period in which they lived and worked. In addition, Riley includes a series of romantic sketches that serve to add flavor and excitement to the book. From the original tribes to the invasions of the Spanish and the French and the lasting occupation of the Anglo-Saxons, Riley captures the evolution of Alabama from a raw wilderness to a great state. A must-read for anyone interested in Alabama's history and the people who made it what it is today.


Good Press




ca. 432





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