Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone

Made During the Year 1819

John Hughes

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Beschreibung zu „Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone“

Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone is a travelogue touring France written by John Hughes. Excerpt: "From Rochepot to Chalons-sur-Saone, eighteen miles; commencing with a steep hill, to the left of which winds a rocky valley of a singular description,[28] cultivated to the very top of the abrupt heights which surround it, and so bare of soil, that the eye is surprised by the flourishing state of its corn and fruit-trees. The heat reflected from the rocks upon the thin gravel which supports its vineyards, must boil their juices to a liqueur; at least such was its effect on ourselves, while winding along a series of these natural forcing-houses, through which the road is conducted into the great plain of Chalons. From the ridges which border these valleys, the wide extent of the latter, and its border of Alps, are visible, though not so finely as from the elevation which we had descended. "Mont Blanc, the monarch of mountains," was however more plainly discernible than before, like a thin distinct fabric of vapour, with his "diadem of snow faintly lighted up by the sun;" and I never recollect to have seen this white-headed patriarch of the Alps before in any position which gave so fully the effect of his enormous height, I will not even except the spot near Merges, where from a gap in the intervening mountains, he appears almost to rest his base upon the lake of Geneva."

Über John Hughes

At around the time the Berlin Wall came down John Hughes packed his rucksack
and headed off for a few weeks as a volunteer teacher in Central and Eastern
Europe. Over ten years later he finally returned to the UK where he now trains
teachers. He has also written books and articles on travel, theatre and teaching


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