
John Ames Mitchell

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Beschreibung zu „Drowsy“

Drowsy is a fascinating romantic tale of a woman and her reckless lover with a special power. The unusual lover, despite his powers, is very human with complete equipment of human flaws and virtues. But things take an adventurous turn with the introduction of amusing inventions and wild experiences of the mysterious boy. This remarkable novel combines fantasy, comedy, adventure, and science fiction in the story of a visionary inventor and his claim to have discovered diamonds on the Moon.

Excerpt from Drowsy

"In a certain month of May it loitered up the eastern shore of the Adriatic, lingering briefly at Rovigno, just long enough to nip the budding romance of an interesting widow. At Orsera it electrified the leading citizens by linking, in a gentle whisper, the name of a lady of spotless reputation with a Platonic Friend. It spared Parenzo. But at Cittanuova it fanned into flame a general curiosity regarding the relations of a Captain of Cavalry with the wife of a certain careless husband. At S. Lorenzo it merely put two lovers on their guard."


Good Press




ca. 201





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