Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School

Modern Sunday School Manuals

Jesse Lyman Hurlbut

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Beschreibung zu „Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School“

"Organizing and Building Up the Sunday School" is an informational book on setting up a Sunday School in your local church. The purpose of the book is identified as to supply a convenient handbook upon the organization, the management, and the recruiting of the Sunday school, to be read by those desiring information upon these subjects. But after the larger part of the work had been prepared, a desire was expressed that the method of treatment be so modified that the volume might be employed as a text-book for classes and individual students in the department of teacher-training. It has been the aim of the author not to alter the work so materially as to render it unfitting for the general reader; and with this in view the series of blackboard outlines for the teacher, and the questions for the testing of the student's knowledge, have been placed at the end of the book.


Good Press




ca. 108





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