Anthony John

Jerome K. Jerome

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Beschreibung zu „Anthony John“

Jerome K. Jerome's 'Anthony John' delves into the complexities of human relationships and the pursuit of happiness. Set in the bustling city of London, the novel follows the life of Anthony John as he navigates through love, ambition, and self-discovery. With a blend of wit and humor, Jerome's writing style captivates the reader, immersing them in the vividly depicted scenes and emotions of the characters. This work stands as a testament to Jerome's skill in crafting relatable narratives that resonate with readers of all backgrounds. 'Anthony John' is a prime example of late 19th-century British literature, illustrating themes of societal pressures and personal growth. Jerome's satirical approach offers a unique perspective on the Victorian era's social norms and expectations. With its engaging storyline and profound insights, 'Anthony John' is a must-read for those interested in classic literature and psychological exploration.


Good Press




ca. 170





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