The Harvest

Family of Dog

Jake Bannerman

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Beschreibung zu „The Harvest“

Central Park, NYC, A world-renowned spiritual speaker opens the book promising the return of Christ, thousands of dead bodies later Lucifer walks the earth to fight, Not God, but Adolph Hitler and a gang of 18 who sold their souls and wanted more than he gave. Meanwhile in Finland. The events held within these pages compared to Clive Barker and Steven King this courtroom thriller has a tornado of Black Magic, Sex Scandals, and a murder plot that will not just have your jaw on the floor but as described as “ this book will make you feel like you are getting your kicked in your teeth over and over while forced to listen to Death Metal.”

Sex, Sin, Satan. Angels and Demons, Bannerman blasphemes like none other while pushing the boundaries, The Harvest is a graphic and intriguing look into what things like unchecked desire and greed will draw out of humanity. The main story about the lawsuit against Lucifer solidifies that, as well as makes true your first note to question everything.

You reap what you sew






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