The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology

J. E. Marr

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Beschreibung zu „The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology“

'The Principles of Stratigraphical Geology' is a comprehensive guide to understanding the history of the earth and the methods used by stratigraphical geologists to record it. J.E. Marr explains how the stratigraphical geologist tries to restore the physical geography of each period of the past to write a connected history of the earth. Marr details the various systems of stratified rocks and how to classify them, providing readers with a deep understanding of the principles and aims of geology. This book also explores the imperfections of the geological record and how the changes that occurred on earth show an advance from the simple to the more complex, tracing the development of the earth from the primitive state to the complex condition we see today.


Good Press




ca. 245





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