Where Your Treasure Is

Being the Personal Narrative of Ross Sidney, Diver

Holman Day

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Beschreibung zu „Where Your Treasure Is“

'Where Your Treasure Is' is first-person narrative novel that begins with telling the story of the the narrator's struggles in making money for the first time. We were also introduced later on with his mother, who the narrator believes was a good woman—a thrifty, kindly, helpful woman, a good neighbor, in spite of her poverty. His father was a helpful sort of a man in his own way. He used to volunteer as boss of all the barn-raising bees in our section—but his enemies, made up of a considerable army of the men whom he had licked in his life, said, behind his back, that the only reason he had for helping at a barn-raising was to show off by running the ridgepole first of all the crew, and then to start the regular free fight. He fell off a ridge-pole one day and the narrator's mother was widowed.


Good Press




ca. 450





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