Joan of Arc of the North Woods

Holman Day

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Beschreibung zu „Joan of Arc of the North Woods“

'Joan of Arc of the North Woods' is an adventure-drama novel written by Holman Day. The story begins with a problem arising in the logging industry in the Tomah country. When Ward Latisan came upon Rufus Craig, one afternoon in autumn, steel struck the flint and trouble's fuse was lit. Young Ward was the grandson of old John, a pioneer who was in his day a saw-log baron of the times of pumpkin pine; by heredity Ward was the foremost champion in the cause of the modern independent operators. In his own way, Craig, the field director of the Comas Consolidated Paper Company, was the chief gladiator for an invading corporation which demanded monopoly of the Tomah timber by absorption of the independents.


Good Press




ca. 260





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