Secret Memoirs

The Story of Louise, Crown Princess

Henry W. Fischer

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Beschreibung zu „Secret Memoirs“

"Secret Memoirs: The Story of Louise, Crown Princess" by Henry W. Fischer
Archduchess Louise of Austria was by marriage the Crown Princess of Saxony as the wife of the future King Frederick Augustus III. After having an affair with her children's tutor, she was threatened by her father-in-law with being interned in a mental asylum at the Sonnenstein Castle for life. On 9 December 1902 and with the help of two of her maids, sisters Sidonie and Maria Beeger – daughters of the royal court architect Eduard Beeger – Louise, pregnant with her seventh child, fled from Dresden towards Lake Geneva, where André Giron, her lover, was waiting for her. Her story is one full of drama and intrigue, and Fischer gave her the spotlight and respect she deserved.


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