Obstacles to Nonverbal Communication and Nonverbal Equilibrium across Cultures

Master Thesis

Harald März

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Beschreibung zu „Obstacles to Nonverbal Communication and Nonverbal Equilibrium across Cultures“

We all decode non-verbal communication on a daily basis. Most of it goes unnoticed (even to ourselves) but we all do it. However, although we are relatively good in determining moods and intentions from another person's non-verbal behaviour, there is still a lot we are yet unable to see.
Since I was a small child I have been fascinated by the idea to learn more about other people through their body language and other non-verbal cues. After I had started my studies in Austria, I also got more and more interested in international business, specifically the cultural aspects of it. This interest intensified after my various experiences with people from other cultures in Austria and abroad. I could not help but to notice that my conversations just not went as smoothly as I was used to when conversing with a fellow Austrian. Thus, it was a natural choice for me to try to bring both aspects together when the time for choosing my master thesis topic had arrived. The result is a fairly comprehensive coverage of non-verbal communication in the context of culture and business which is entirely based on research.






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