Elissa; Or, The Doom of Zimbabwe

Henry Rider Haggard

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Beschreibung zu „Elissa; Or, The Doom of Zimbabwe“

At the sight of its flat-roofed houses of sun-dried brick, set upon the side of the opposing hill, and dominated by a huge circular building of dark stone, the caravan raised a great shout of joy. It shouted in several tongues, in the tongues of Phœnicia, of Egypt, of the Hebrews, of Arabia, and of the coasts of Africa, for all these peoples were represented amongst its numbers. Well might the wanderers cry out in their delight, seeing that at length, after eight months of perilous traveling from the coast, they beheld the walls of their city of rest, of the golden Ophir of the Bible. Their company had started from the eastern port, numbering fifteen hundred men, besides women and children, and of those not more than half were left alive. Once a savage tribe had ambushed them, killing many. Once the pestilential fever of the lowlands had taken them so that they died of it by scores. Twice also had they suffered heavily through hunger and thirst, to say nothing of their losses by the fangs of lions, crocodiles, and other wild beasts which swarmed with the country. Now their toils were over; and for six months, or perhaps a year, they might rest and trade in the Great City, enjoying its wealth, its flesh-pots, and the unholy orgies which, among people of the Phoenician race, were dignified by the name of the worship of the gods of heaven.

Über Henry Rider Haggard

Henry Rider Haggard (1856 – 1925) trat 1875 in den britischen Kolonialdienst in Südafrika. Dort machte er sich mit der Zulu-Kultur vertraut und hatte eine Affäre mit einer afrikanischen Frau, – eine tiefe Beziehung, die seine Darstellung von Frauen beeinflusste und später psychoanalytische Interpretationen seiner Romane nach sich zog. 1881 kehrte Haggard nach England zurück, wo er seine juristischen Examina ablegte und weiter für die Regierung tätig war. Seinen Lebensunterhalt aber verdiente er vor allem als produktiver und erfolgreicher Schriftsteller, dessen Abenteuerromane durch seinen Aufenthalt in Afrika sowie sein Interesse an antiken Kulturen und an allem Okkulten nachhaltig geprägt worden sind.


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