Dave Darrin on Mediterranean Service; or, With Dan Dalzell on European Duty

H. Irving Hancock

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Beschreibung zu „Dave Darrin on Mediterranean Service; or, With Dan Dalzell on European Duty“

This novel follows Dave Darrin and Dan Dalzell, two young US Naval officers, who are on a mission in the Mediterranean. The story unfolds as they are sitting in a Spanish vaudeville theater in Gibraltar. Suddenly, a fight breaks out, leading them on a chase after a thief who has robbed a man in a gray suit. The man in the gray suit turns out to be George Cushing, a member of the secret service of the American Department of State. Cushing reveals to Dave that the thief has stolen something of value to the United States government and decides to give the mission to retrieve it to Dave and Dan.


Good Press




ca. 143





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