Papers Relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New-York

For encouragement of the Indian trade, &c. and for prohibiting the selling of Indian goods to the French, viz. of Canada

Cadwallader Colden Great Britain. Board of Trade Great Britain. Privy Council New York . Council

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Beschreibung zu „Papers Relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New-York“

"Papers Relating to an Act of the Assembly of the Province of New-York," authored by the collective efforts of the Great Britain Board of Trade, the Great Britain Privy Council, Cadwallader Colden, and the New York Council, presents an essential historical document regarding the Indian trade and its regulation in the Province of New-York. These papers shed light on the efforts made to encourage and control the trade with Native American tribes, particularly in relation to the French influence from Canada. This archival collection offers valuable insights into the colonial-era trade dynamics and the interactions between different governing bodies.


Good Press




ca. 239





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