Old Québec: The Fortress of New France

Gilbert Parker Claude G. Bryan

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Beschreibung zu „Old Québec: The Fortress of New France“

"For at least the first hundred years of its existence, Quebec was New France; and the story of Quebec in that period is the story of all Canada. The fortress was the heart and soul of French enterprise in the New World. From the Castle of St. Louis, on the summit of Cape Diamond, went forth mandates, heard and obeyed in distant Louisiana. The monastic city on the St. Lawrence was the centre of the web of missions, which slowly spread from the dark Saguenay to Lake Superior. The fearful tragedies of Indian warfare had their birth in the early policy of Quebec. The fearless voyageurs, whose canoes glided into unknown waters, ever westward—towards Cathay, as they believed—made Quebec their base for exploration. And as time went on, the rock-built stronghold of the north became the nerve-centre of that half-century of conflict which left the flag of Britain waving in victory on the Plains of Abraham…" 'Old Québec: The Fortress of New France' is a historical novel on the history of the Canadian city of Quebec. The city is at the centre of many historical events that shaped the Candian nagion from its early days as a center of French occupation.


Good Press




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