Vocabulum; or The Rogue's Lexicon

Compiled from the Most Authentic Sources

George W. Matsell

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Beschreibung zu „Vocabulum; or The Rogue's Lexicon“

'Vocabulum; or The Rogue's Lexicon' by George W. Matsell is a fascinating insight into the language used by rogues and criminals, compiled by the former Chief of Police of New York City. Matsell's interest in the language of thieves began as a means of better understanding the criminals he was tasked with apprehending, but soon evolved into a laborious project of compiling a comprehensive lexicon of cant words and phrases. This language, with its roots in the ancient gypsy tongue, has evolved over time to become a vital tool for both criminals and law enforcement alike. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history and origins of this intriguing and often misunderstood subculture.


Good Press




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