A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul

George MacDonald

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Beschreibung zu „A Book of Strife in the Form of The Diary of an Old Soul“

In this remarkable collection, George MacDonald gifts us with a profound journey through the poetic tapestry of the human experience. Each entry, woven with tender introspection, unveils a diary of the soul, capturing the essence of a day's emotions and revelations. Within these heartfelt verses, MacDonald's unwavering Christian devotion permeates, elevating the meditations to a realm of poetic splendor. This includes a poem dedicated to the month May, that opens with the following: "What though my words glance sideways from the thing / Which I would utter in thine ear, my sire! / Truth in the inward parts thou dost desire— / Wise hunger, not a fitness fine of speech / The little child that clamouring fails to reach / With upstretched hand the fringe of her attire / Yet meets the mother's hand down hurrying."


Good Press




ca. 73





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