The Romany Rye

A sequel to "Lavengro"

George Borrow William I. Knapp

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Beschreibung zu „The Romany Rye“

This work is considered a conclusion to George Borrow's book Lavengro. It's a semi-autobiographical work that presents a well-written narrative of the life of a wanderer, scholar, philologist, writer, and sometimes philosopher whose actual name is never mentioned. He is staying with a female acquaintance, Isopel Bermers, and from time to time, He attempts to introduce Isopel to the principles of the Armenian language. He later gets visited by a priest keenly looking for a convert by a family of Romany Gypsies with whom the scholar has once lived. The story circles many interesting and significant events that follow.

The novel includes intriguing characters and a delightful writing style, which will hold attention throughout the story. Borrow's incredible portrayal of scenes and the characters make them almost come to life. This "sequel to Lavengro" by George Borrow is an example of classic victorian work and an impressive look at the England of the time.


Good Press




ca. 509





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