Father Brown (Complete Collection): 53 Murder Mysteries

The Scandal of Father Brown, The Donnington Affair & The Mask of Midas…

Gilbert Keith Chesterton Masterpiece Everywhere

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Beschreibung zu „Father Brown (Complete Collection): 53 Murder Mysteries“

Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective who is featured in 53 short stories published between 1910 and 1936 written by English novelist G. K. Chesterton.Father Brown solves mysteries and crimes using his intuition and keen understanding of human nature. Chesterton loosely based him on the Rt Rev. Msgr. John O'Connor(1870–1952), a parish priest in Bradford, who was involved in Chesterton's conversion to Catholicism in 1922.
Here you will find the complete Father Brown stories in the chronological order of their original publication.
Content :
- The Innocence of Father Brown
- The Wisdom of Father Brown
- The Donnington Affair
- The Incredulity of Father Brown
- The Secret of Father Brown
- The Scandal of Father Brown
- The Mask of Midas


Masterpiece Everywhere




ca. 1037





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