Of Stars and Gods

A compact sky guide in 12 myths

Frank Fojtik

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Beschreibung zu „Of Stars and Gods“

This book, aimed in particular at beginners, tries to familiarize the reader with the (especially northern) starry sky as quickly as possible. The latter shall not be achieved in a sterile way by using coordinates or scientific techniques, but rather by means of the Greek myths that underlie most of the constellations. However, in contrast to other publications in this field, only those stories are presented that can be integrated into the predefined 12 myths. This and the brief description of the underlying myths make it easy to acquire the new knowledge. Following "Highway to God", "Of Stars and Gods" is Frank Fojtik's second popular scientific book, which shows, like the first one, points of contact between visible reality and metaphysical thinking. On the one hand, it represents a practicable astronomical orientation tool. On the other hand, it may be also a kind of key for the reader to touch something greater that goes beyond the purely scientific.


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