Gardening for women

Frances Garnet Viscountess Wolseley

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Beschreibung zu „Gardening for women“

Frances Garnet Viscountess Wolseley's 'Gardening for Women' is a classic guide to gardening written in the late 19th century. Focused on providing practical advice for women interested in gardening, the book covers a wide range of topics including selecting the right plants, soil preparation, and pest control. Wolseley's writing style is clear and informative, making it accessible for both novice and experienced gardeners. Her emphasis on the importance of women in gardening reflects the changing social attitudes towards gender roles during this period. The book also includes beautiful illustrations and detailed instructions for creating a successful garden. 'Gardening for Women' can be seen as a contribution to the emerging feminist movement of the time, highlighting the importance of women's contributions to traditionally male-dominated fields like gardening. Overall, this book serves as both a practical guide for gardening enthusiasts and a historical snapshot of women's roles in Victorian society.


Good Press




ca. 191





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