Puppet Essentials

Felix Frank

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Beschreibung zu „Puppet Essentials“

With this book, you'll be up and running with using Puppet to manage your IT systems. Dive right in with basic commands so that you can use Puppet right away, and then blitz through a series of illustrative examples to get to grips with all the most important aspects and features of Puppet.

Install Puppet, write your first manifests, and then immediately put the Puppet tools to real work. Puppet Essentials reveals the innovative structure and approach of Puppet through step-by-step instructions to follow powerful use cases. Learn common troubleshooting techniques and the master/agent setup as well as the building blocks for advanced functions and topics that push Puppet to the limit, including classes and defined types, modules, resources, and leveraging the flexibility and expressive power implemented by Facter and the Hiera toolchain. Finally, send Puppet to the skies with practical guidance on how to use Puppet to manage a whole application cloud.


Packt Publishing




ca. 214





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