Winter Dreams

F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Beschreibung zu „Winter Dreams“

"Winter Dreams" is a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald that first appeared in "Metropolitan Magazine" in December 1922, and was collected in "All the Sad Young Men" in 1926. It is considered one of Fitzgerald's finest stories and is frequently anthologized. In the Fitzgerald canon, it is considered to be in the "Gatsby-cluster," as many of its themes were later expanded upon in his famous novel "The Great Gatsby" in 1925.

Writing his editor Max Perkins in June 1925, Fitzgerald described "Winter Dreams" as "A sort of first draft of the Gatsby idea."

Über F. Scott Fitzgerald

F. Scott Fitzgerald was born in 1896 in St Paul, Minnesota, and went to Princeton University which he left in 1917 to join the army. Fitzgerald was said to have epitomised the Jazz Age, an age inhabited by a generation he defined as 'grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken'.


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