Work [Travail]

Émile Zola

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Beschreibung zu „Work [Travail]“

"Work [Travail]" by Émile Zola is one of the prominent writer's lesser-discussed books. In this work, he aims to tackle the life of the blue-collar in France, particularly those who work in the steel industry. The labor and struggles that go into surviving as part of this class are not shied away from as he explains that, though it is essential, in a perfect world, men wouldn't be forced to labor in order to merely live their life as part of society.

Über Émile Zola

Émile Zola (1840–1902) was a novelist, playwright and journalist, the most important exemplar of the literary school of naturalism and an important contributor to the development of theatrical naturalism. Thérèse Raquin was Zola's first major work, originally published in serial format in 1867 and – due to its huge and immediate popularity – in book format in 1868. Zola was nominated for both the first and second Nobel Prize in Literature in 1901 and 1902.


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