The Sacred Touch Of Hope

Two Flames, One Light

Elisa Zuther

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Beschreibung zu „The Sacred Touch Of Hope“

When travelling I love to tune in with the places, the people, landscapes and images. I indulge in the moods and atmospheres and it often seems as if the places and images are speaking to me, revealing their inner divine aspiration, their stories - and their hopes. Many a time I try to capture the moment, the image and its impression in a photograph. Each photograph is a portal that leads to a certain sacredness of the moment. Each poem is a journey of its own, carrying me away to times and places and moods I never intended to enter. I strongly believe there is a divine spark in all of us, we are all here with our certain dreams and aspirations - hoping... Let us cross the threshold of imagination, let us tune in the mystic moment to discover what treasure lies there hidden deep within for us. Let us listen closely, let us tune in the divine voice of each prism of creation - and let us be touched by HOPE! (Elisa Zuther)






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