Painted Windows

Elia Wilkinson Peattie

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Beschreibung zu „Painted Windows“

American journalist and author Elia Wilkinson Peattie recounts her memories in the heart warming novel "Painted Windows". "Well, there we were, rocking and screaming, and telling each other that we were hawks, and that we were flying high over the world, when the anxious and austere voice of my mother broke upon our ears. We tried to stop, but that was not such an easy matter to do, and as we twisted and writhed, to bring our grape-vine swing to a standstill, there was a slow rending and breaking which struck terror to our souls. "Jump!" commanded Norah—"jump! The vine's breaking!" We leaped at the same moment, she safely. My foot caught in a stout tendril, and I fell headlong, scraping my forehead on the ground and tearing a triangular rent in my pretty, new frock…"


Good Press




ca. 48





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