On the Wallaby, The Diary of a Queensland Swagman

Edward S Sorenson

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Beschreibung zu „On the Wallaby, The Diary of a Queensland Swagman“

'On the Wallaby, The Diary of a Queensland Swagman' is an adventure novel written in first-person perspective by Edward Sorenson. This is a plain bush yarn, relating in a humorous vein the experiences and adventures of a young man, who, finding himself stranded in Brisbane, where he knew no one, shouldered his swag and struck out into the bush to look for a job. His track from Breakfast Creek to beyond the Maranoa River, may be traced on the map, for he deals only with real places—and real people—and what he goes through is what the majority of swag men go through. Always an optimist, he sees the humor of the situations, and his narrative is embellished with details of bushcraft, and with the yarns and the fun of campfire and track.


Good Press




ca. 104





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