A Backblocker's Pleasure Trip

Edward S. Sorenson

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Beschreibung zu „A Backblocker's Pleasure Trip“

"No man knows the secrets of the bush better than the Australian author E. S. Sorensen. In his day he has been a bush carpenter, a publican, a drover, a shearer and a station hand. He was born on the Northern Rivers, and educated by the Sisters of St. Joseph. He has travelled from one end of Australia to the other. In "A Backblocker's Pleasure Trip" he relates the experiences and adventures of a party of backblock excursionists at the time of the visit of the Duke of York, the itinerary being from the interior to Sydney, via Mount Browne, Menindie, Broken Hill, Adelaide and Melbourne. The narrative is interspersed with bush and town sketches, humorous incidents and yarns by the way. It forms a sequel to "The Swagman's Diary," earlier published in the "Catholic Press" magazine.


Good Press




ca. 204





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