Derrick Vaughan, Novelist

Edna Lyall

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Beschreibung zu „Derrick Vaughan, Novelist“

Derrick Vaughan, Novelist by Edna Lyall is a fictional biography about the elusive and gifted Derrick Vaughan. Excerpt: "Sydney," said Mrs. Vaughan to me one afternoon when we were in the garden, "Derrick seems to me unlike himself, there is a division between us which I never felt before. Can you tell me what is troubling him?" She was not at all a good-looking woman, but she had a very sweet, wistful face, and I never looked at her sad eyes without feeling ready to go through fire and water for her. I tried now to make light of Derrick's depression. "He is only going through what we all of us go through," I said, assuming a cheerful tone. "He has suddenly discovered that life is a great riddle and that the things he has accepted in blind faith are, after all, not so sure."


Good Press




ca. 81





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