The Book of Dragons (Illustrated Edition)

Fantastic Adventures Series: The Book of Beasts, Uncle James, The Deliverers of Their Country…

Edith Nesbit

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Beschreibung zu „The Book of Dragons (Illustrated Edition)“

Musaicum Books presents to you this carefully created volume of "The Book of Dragons (Illustrated Edition)" This ebook has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
The Book of Beasts
Uncle James, or The Purple Stranger
The Deliverers of Their Country
The Ice Dragon, or Do as You Are Told
The Island of the Nine Whirlpools
The Dragon Tamers
The Fiery Dragon, or The Heart of Stone and the Heart of Gold
Kind Little Edmund, or The Caves and the Cockatrice
Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) was the author of world famous books for children - the tales of fantastical adventures, journeys back in time and travel to magical worlds.

Über Edith Nesbit

Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) mainly wrote fictional works for children, most notably The Story of the Treasure (1898) and The Wouldbegoods (1899). This English author and political activist also co-founded the Fabian Society, an early ancestor to England’s current Labour Party. Although Nesbit redesigned children’s literature by writing stories with realistic characters in realistic, modern situations, she also wrote political works on socialism and some stories for adults.


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