The Belle of Toorak

E. W. Hornung

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Beschreibung zu „The Belle of Toorak“

"The Belle of Toorak is a romance novel about the lives of a young couple, Moya and Rigden. Moya Bethune was quite in love for the first time in her life, though more than once before she had been within measurable distance of that enviable state. This enabled her to appreciate her present peace of mind by comparing it with former feelings of a less convincing character. And at last there was no doubt about the matter. She had fallen a happy victim to the law of contrasts. Society favourite and city belle, satiated with the attractions of the town, and deadly sick of the same sort of young man, she had struck her flag to one who might have swum into her ken from another planet, the crude Rigden. But their romance faced the hurdle of Moya's family accepting the young man…


Good Press




ca. 109





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