How to be Happy Though Married: Being a Handbook to Marriage

E. J. Hardy

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Beschreibung zu „How to be Happy Though Married: Being a Handbook to Marriage“

How to be Happy Though Married by E. J. Hardy is a guidebook for just marrieds on how to have a thriving marriage, with quotations and stories from distinguished persons during the late 19th century. Excerpt: "To men of a shyer and more nervous temperament, to be married without chloroform is a very painful operation. They find it difficult to screw their courage to the marrying place. On one occasion a bridegroom so far forgot what was due to himself and his bride as to render himself unfit to take the vows through too frequent recourse on the wedding morn to the cup that cheers—and inebriates. The minister was obliged to refuse to proceed with the marriage. A few days later, the same thing occurred with the same couple; whereupon the minister gravely remonstrated with the bride, and said they must not again present themselves with the bridegroom in such a state. "But, sir, he—he winna come when he's sober," was the candid rejoinder. It is possible that this bridegroom, whose courage was so very Dutch, might have been deterred by the impending fuss and publicity of a marriage ceremony, rather than by any fear of or want of affection for her who was to become his wife. Even in the best assorted marriages there is always more or less anxiety felt upon the wedding-day."


Good Press




ca. 257





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