The Scratch Pack

Dorothea Conyers

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Beschreibung zu „The Scratch Pack“

The Scratch Pack is an absorbing World War I novel by Irish novelist Dorothea Conyers. It contains spy stories, heiresses, romance, mate selection, and hunting. The strong characterization and gripping plot hold the reader's attention throughout the book. The author's excellent use of language adds to the novel's charm.
Excerpt from The Scratch Pack
""If there even appeared to be the faintest reason for his not going into something," said Gheena severely. Then she put her hand on the collar of the nondescript cur named Crabbit, an animal which was not precisely an Irish terrier and not quite a retriever, had some distant connections in the house of spaniels, and other relations too varied to trace, the result of this liberally scattered ancestry being endowed with a silky-red coat, and liquid, truthful eyes which expressed his powers of affection, but not the original sin behind his broad forehead."


Good Press




ca. 267





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