Spring Wild Flowers

Daniel Wilson

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Beschreibung zu „Spring Wild Flowers“

"Poetry, to those who have devoted themselves to it, for the production of that which 'posterity will not willingly let die,' is one of the noblest occupations of genius; nor are they without reward, 'haply not unhearing of that divine and nightly whispering voice, which speaks to mighty minds of predestinated garlands, starry and unwithering.' But with the author it has only been a serious plaything; not irreverently handled, but in which earnest thoughts have often found utterance that had otherwise remained unspoken. The longest, if not the most important piece in the volume, is written in a peculiar, and, as far as he is aware, a novel measure, intended to unite many of the characteristics of blank verse with its distant rhymes; and thereby to adapt it to the character of a subject, combining the incidents of a domestic tale with serious history. To a casual reader the peculiarity may escape observation, as the rhymes are purposely arranged at such intervals as to secure to it the general character of blank verse, while still he may be conscious of a sense of musical harmony, resulting from this unnoticed source;--the extent of his success, however, he leaves to the decision of others…" "Spring Wild Flowers" is a collection of poems by Daniel Wilson on the themes of romance and the season of spring, and the beauty that comes with both.


Good Press




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