Taliessin through Logres

Charles Williams

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Beschreibung zu „Taliessin through Logres“

"The milk rises in the breasts of Gaul, trigonometrical milk of doctrine. Man sucks it; his joints harden, sucking logic, learning, law, drawing on the breasts of intelligo and credo. I, Taliessin, born of the Druids by the sea, drank also in the schools of Gaul; I have drunk at the tables of all the doctors; I have modulated song to the waters of Logres, the running of Thames, the tidal basins. I heard the iron chariots on the roads of Gaul, but the fleets took me, distances of the sea; the dialect of Logres was an aspect of Byzantium; the grand art was taught in the heart of the harbours of Arthur…" "Taliessin through Logres" is a poem by the famed English author, poet and theologian Charles Williams, a contemporary and associate of C.S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien.


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