From London to Land's End and Two Letters from the "Journey through England by a Gentleman"

Daniel Defoe Henry Morley

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Beschreibung zu „From London to Land's End and Two Letters from the "Journey through England by a Gentleman"“

"From London to Land's End and Two Letters from the "Journey through England by a Gentleman"" by Daniel Defoe is a classic travelogue of the famous author of "Robinson Crusoe," describing his epic journey through the southern part of England and picturing the country at the end of the first quarter of the eighteenth century. Not only does it serve as a literary guide through England's landscape, but it also provides some interesting insight into life and times of old England and its gentry.

Über Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe war ein englischer Schriftsteller in der Frühzeit der Aufklärung, der durch seinen Roman Robinson Crusoe weltberühmt wurde.

Defoe gilt damit als einer der Begründer des englischen Romans.



Good Press




ca. 120





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